Fruit Salsa

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Few things excite me more than dessert. And when said dessert is fairly healthy, well cue the orchestra and light the fireworks. OK so maybe sweet stuff doesn't have the magical effect on you as it does me. But that won't stop me from ranting and raving about the fruit salsa I brought to a backyard BBQ yesterday.

What You'll Need:
Two kiwi, peeled and diced
16 oz package strawberries, diced
1 white nectarine, diced
2 golden delicious apples, diced
8 oz raspberries, slightly crushed with a fork
3 tablespoons strawberry preserves
2 tablespoons granulated sugar, more or less to taste

Dice fruits and add to a large bowl. Stir in sugar and strawberry preserves and mix well. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes and serve with cinnamon sugar chips. I used store bought cinnamon pita chips but you can easily make your own by cutting 10 tortillas into quarters, spray with butter and top with cinnamon sugar. Bake until lightly browned and crispy.

What was on your holiday spread yesterday? 



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