Mixing Patterns: What Works?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mixing Patterns: What Works?

This trend has been splattered all over the runways and magazines for months. Well years, really, but it's made an especially big splash in the fashion world as of late. The problem is that what works on the runway doesn't necessary translate into real life. Throwing any two (or three) patterns together does not an outfit make. Write that down.

For me, having similar colors in both pieces is an absolute must. While I loved Refinery29's mixed pattern tutorial featuring the leopard cardi and polka dot tunic, it doesn't follow my aforementioned rule. Therefore I would never feel comfortable pulling it off.

The second outfit is right up my alley. Fun and practical (in mixing pattern terms, of course) and I might even be able to rock them at the office. Which is always a plus.

The third is very close to what Annie from The Other Side of Gray is wearing today. I love how she paired the floral cardigan with the bold stripes. It works (and well, might I add) because it's balanced and anchored down by simple but cute skinny black jeans.

What are your thoughts on this trend? Would you wear outfits like these or do you think they evoke too much of a "hot mess" vibe? 



  1. I absolutely live for this trend! I love mixing florals with plaid, crazy zigzag leggings with tie dye, ethnic maxis with other patterns. I think I'm going to do a similar post and credit you doll. I'm kinda hyper now to dive into my closet of stuff!

    xx Jacqueline

  2. I feel the same way they either need to have similar colors OR one piece needs to be comprised entirely of neutrals to balance out the louder piece. Does that make sense? Anyway, its a hard trend to duplicate in real life but I'm sure we could pull it off :)



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