Hi Again!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Apologies for the radio silence lately... I took some time off before and after Christmas and ended up getting a couple extra days off thanks to Winter Storm Hercules (seriously with that name?) So needless to say, it's taken me some time to get back into the swing of things. Not to mention I've been feeling a bit uninspired. Maybe it's the Christmas cookies sticking to my hips or the fact that the only pants I feel comfortable in are my bulky, fleece-lined sweatpants (hey, just being real!) but I'm hoping once the polar vortex lifts, (again, seriously with the apocalypse-esque terminology?) my mood will follow suit. 

Seeing outfits I've posted from the past year helps and blogging is truly something I have enjoyed over the past two years. Have you ever hit a lull like this? How do you pull yourself out of the funk? I'm getting back into the gym and starting a 7 day cleanse next week (check it out here if you're interested in joining me!) and I vow to blog/tweet my experience and results along the way. Hopefully I'll be back to regular posting soon!

Thanks for sticking with me!


  1. I was in a similar place late last and just set aside the blog for a bit. Sometimes life just happens. Now I am inspired and ready to hit the ground running. Just wishing the weather would cooperate with our endeavors. Best of luck in the new year and I look forward to your posts.


  2. Great looks! You would look great in some of our vintage skirts :)
    Becky x


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