Healthy Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Waffle Sandwichces

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I struggle with snacking my way through the workday. I try so hard to make healthy choices but those usually leave me starving after just a couple hours. Luckily I found this healthy solution: Peanut Butter Banana Waffle Sandwiches. I typically eat breakfast around 8am. And instead of ravaging my snack drawer around 11am, I was full clear until 1pm! Score!

  Picture from Google Images

What You'll Need:
2 Eggo NutriGrain Low-Fat Waffles
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 small banana

Toast the waffles, smear one tablespoon of peanut butter on each waffle, slice the banana, assemble the sandwich and voila! A 430-calorie breakfast that won't leave you searching for more food an hour later.

What's your trick to staying full without consuming a ton of calories? 

Don't forget to enter my Viola Jane giveaway to win the adorable gold sequin collar necklace HERE! 



  1. this sounds good! I think I'm going to try it tomorrow morning!

  2. This sound good and yummy photos.


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